GDPR access strictly controlled.
Previous medical history.
Injury tracking with documents/videos & reporting.
Physio appointment booking.
Athlete monitoring (wellness, gps and or RPE load, recovery, A:C ratio.
Fitness testing with standards & targets.
Movement screening with pictures & video.
Programming with % rep max converted to load for each athlete (rep max calculator)
Learning style & peak height velocity calculator.
Combined coaching/s&c season planner (missions/values/vision/goals/macros/mesos.
Season review (SWOT analysis).
Appointment booking (physio/nutritionist/sports psychologist/recover kit, etc).
Drill builder.
session planner/season plan analysis.

The Complete AMS/Club Software System
The live system expertly manages all player medical details, strength & conditioning needs, scheduling, video analysis, game stats, and academy development plans with precision and confidence.​
Contact us for more info or for a live demo. ​
T: 07708303914

Worlds Most Advanced Injury Prevention System Platform
The Award Winning, KT360 Testing and Training platform (US Patent Protected) consists of a portable, adaptable, fixed frame dynamometry system that allows accurate and reliable measurement of isolated neuromuscular strength, endurance and control.
Advanced software analytics allow sport specific athlete profiling to understand injury risk and guide prescription of appropriate interventions. KT have developed 35+ isometric and eccentric testing and training protocols across the whole body. They have been shown to be valid and reliable in a variety of populations, including elite athletes.

Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.
Tess Brown
Office Manager
Write a bio for each team member. Make it short and informative to keep your visitors engaged.
Pitchero GPS
Pitchero Team GPS System
Designed for coaches and teams at all levels, the Team Bundle includes everything a team needs to maximise performance in one innovative, easy-to-use, market-leading solution.
Every order placed is specific to the needs of the team.
All orders include:
GPS Trackers
Player Vests
Charging Case
Team Analysis Software
GPS Trackers are approved by FIFA & World Rugby.